Chris Erwin
Kentucky Angling News
I got back on the water this past week, but the Licking River in one short week has changed its mood, color, and level. The water had become muddy and high as it caught the rains that didn’t quite make it to the river the week before. We had been catching fish every time we went out while they were small; they were more than willing to take our bait. Two hours on the water produced one small bass. The Licking River was changing so fast the fish just shut down.
September is always the month where summer fishing pattern changes the nights become colder, and the water temperatures fall under 70 degrees. While this usually sparks better fishing, this week became the exception with the rains unseasonably intense flooding creeks and river headwaters. I’m sure this will recover quickly, and we can get back to what I consider the best fishing of the year, running from late Sept. to Nov.
This month of change also starts many sportsmen in our area to start thinking about the upcoming hunting season. In just a few weeks, the leaves will begin to change colors, and the deer will start thinking about the mating season.
My cabin and fish camp is located on the banks of the Licking River. To get to it, you must turn off the main road onto a private road that is five miles long. When I say private, I mean it must be maintained by the landowners inside this gated area known as Hidden Acres. I have been trying to find an old tractor to help do road maintenance for some time. This past week I found one, an old 1941 Ford 9n tractor in perfect running condition. We drove to Chillicothe, Ohio, to pick it up and take it to the camp. On our way, we stopped in Olive Hill KY, and bought a rear scraper blade to work the road.
For the rest of the weekend, my son Scott, grandson Aaron, and son-in-law Jim worked on getting the tractor ready to start doing the road. After about three hours of road work, we decided what other tools we needed to improve what we were doing and where we need to begin next week. Our goal was to get any water off the road and to start filling potholes. I had a great time working with them in the great outdoors to improve something that is not on everyone’s fun list when coming to the lake.
News: I have a couple of news items I want to share with you since I’m not in the paper every week. First, the Northeast Beekeepers Association is now back to meeting each month; it’s the 2ed Monday of each month at 6 pm. While they usually meet in the Franks building, they have started meeting in the building beside the Franks building so the club can better apply social distancing. This building is located near the Boyd County Fairgrounds. Masks are required, and as I understand, they will also be doing remote hookup. If you are a new beekeeper, this is your chance to catch up as we all begin to prepare for the winter months.
Second: I have had some questions from people that like to fish; the Dam area of Greenbo Lake. This is typically done by going up a rear access road that leads to the Dam. Greenbo management has gated this area off, blocking all access to this section of the lake. On the gate, blocking the entrance, it says that the site is restricted due to vandalism. After some checking, I have discovered the area was damaged by ATVs ripping up and down the backside of the Dam.
This cuts off a lot of water access for people that fish on the bank and people that fish the spillway. So Far, I haven’t been unable to contact anyone that can tell me if they are making any plans to reopen this section of the lake to the public or if they plan to keep it permanently closed.
I will do a follow up on this as soon as I can get some answers. Until next time stay safe, and may God Bless you. Chris Erwin is the founder and publisher of Kentucky Angling News an online magazine available at www.kentuckyangling.com/magazine Chris can be reached by email Trimmer308@gmail.com

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