FRANKFORT, Ky. – Dove hunters in southeastern Kentucky now have six additional public dove fields to enjoy this fall. Dove season opens statewide on Sept. 1.
“We had these fields come in a little late to make the deadline for the dove hunting guide,” said Rocky Pritchert, migratory bird coordinator for the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. “They will provide additional opportunity for our hunters.”
These fields are open to public hunting Sept. 1, Sept. 3 and from Sept. 8 through Oct. 24. One of these fields in Lincoln County is closed Sept. 1 for a Mentor/Youth hunt.
Hunters interested in reserving a space for Mentor/Youth hunts must register by calling the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources at 1-800-858-1549 weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Eastern time. Limited spaces are allotted on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration is open through Aug. 27, or whenever all the slots are filled.
The additional public fields are located in Lincoln, Wayne, Pulaski and Whitley counties. The two fields in Wayne County lie beside one another, so the driving directions are identical.
Directions to the fields:
Lincoln County:
From Stanford, take U.S. 27 north for 0.16 mile to a left on to KY 590. Travel about 1.5 miles and turn left on a gravel lane and proceed to marked field and parking area. Closed Sept. 1 for Mentor/Youth Hunt; call 1-800-858-1549 for reservations.
Lincoln County:
From Stanford, take U.S. 150 southeast for 6 miles. After crossing Cedar Creek Lake dam, turn left onto Sportsman’s Lane for 0.3 mile to the parking area at Cedar Creek Sportsman’s Club.
Pulaski County:
From Somerset, take KY 80 west for 15.6 miles and take a right onto Hickory Nut Road. Travel Hickory Nut Road for 6 miles to field on right.
Wayne County:
Two fields located beside each other:
From Burnside, proceed west on KY 90 for 1.4 miles to a left onto KY 790. Travel for 10.8 miles and take a left onto Brammer Hill – Delta Road. Proceed 2.4 miles to a left onto Brammer Hill Ridge Road for 1.8 miles to field and parking area.
Whitley County:
From exit 25 of I-75 in Corbin, proceed west on U.S. 25 W for 5.9 miles and turn right onto Frankfort School Road. Go about 0.13 mile and take a right onto Ernest Alsip Road for 0.17 mile to field and marked parking area.

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