What a winter we have had this year! It looks like it’s never going to end. Yesterday Feb. 1st 2011 was the first day in Kentucky that made it to 50 degrees in two months, so I wanted to head for Cave Run lake to take a look and see what my outdoor world looked like, I figured I would share my little trip to the lake with you so you could see for yourself how things were shaping up as we start thinking about getting ready for spring.
Passing by the main lake we could see pockets of open water but for the most part the lake is frozen over still lying like a frozen sleeping giant waiting on some future time when Mother Nature will unlock the warm flow of southern breeze that will melt the tundra looking landscape.
As I head into our property during this short break in the weather the snow has melted, for the most part, but the ground is wet and soft as it struggles to adsorb the snow fall which has been higher than normal in our area of Daniel Boone National Forest.
Passing by local bait shops they looked as empty as the parking lots that usually hold cars and trucks of fishermen as they head out on the water to try their luck at the many fishing opportunities’ that this lake normally holds.
The river below the dam was open. I’m sure they are a few people trying their luck in that stretch of water, although I didn’t see any during the short time I was there.
As we walk to the water to get up close we can see the impact of the wind and freezing temperatures, trees up rooted and many big limbs broken this few hours of warmer weather we are told will disappear tomorrow, and winter will grip us once again.
They say a picture can say much more than I can tell you in print so here it another look.
We will be running some articles on repairing your fishing rods, and getting your boat ready for spring so stay tuned and check back each week, new articles will be added each week.
Chris Erwin

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