Tom Clay and the Greenup County Health Department

By Chris Erwin
I have known Tom Clay for 20 years, or more we have been good friends for all this time. We share a few views and passions, so I was excited to hear he is going to do a video series for the Greenup County Health Dept.

Tom Clay to host video series on the Greenup County Health Dept. web Site
Tom Clay to host video series on the Greenup County Health Dept. web Site

The whole idea of the videos is to try to peak viewer’s interest in outdoor activities so people will get outside and have some fun enjoying nature and at the same time improve their health.

Tom Clay for as long as I have known him he has worked to try to do this very thing. He has worked with WSAZ News, a Local TV station where he developed content with the same lines. Not just showing you the outdoors but also giving you tips on how to improve your experience. He also has been active broadcasting a short radio show where he covered the upcoming events and news coming from the DFWL the little radio show was broadcast over 42 radio stations.

Tom was the financial director at Greenbo State Park for over 20 years. He pushed to improve the park and for the last 10 years, he has been the President of the Kentucky Outdoor Press Association. Where he has continued to make the public aware of all the outdoor opportunities, we have here in the State of Kentucky.

The Official news release was sent to me a few days ago, and I wanted to share it with you.
August 25, 2014 Greenup, KY- The Greenup County Health Department is joining forces with outdoor personality Tom Clay for a series of short videos about the health benefits of outdoor activities. The videos will appear on the GCHD website ( and the GCHD Facebook page(
Health Department Director, Chris Crum said, “Everyone knows we aren’t blessed with a fitness center in every town on every corner. However, we are blessed with a beautiful county that makes outdoor activity easy and fun.”

The videos cover a wide variety of topics, including: hiking, gardening, canoeing, swimming, hunting, fishing and camping to just name a few.
When ask why this project interested him, Tom Clay said, “Mother Nature has given us wonderful resources, and I want future generations not only to use it, but to cherish it. If I can get someone interested in the outdoors and live a healthier lifestyle, then I’ve done my job.”

Clay’s videos should be up and running next week. I know he has already got a few in the can and ready to be posted. I completely support any effort to get people outside where they can get exercise and fresh air. It will improve your health and make you feel better.

While technology has improved our lives, and I have totally embraced it. Nothing can replace the feeling of catching a big fish, harvesting your first deer or growing fresh vegetables in your garden all get you outside and will improve your over-all health.

The GCHD and the Diabetes Today Coalition will host a health fair Saturday, August 9th at the Greenup County Extension Office from 9am to 12pm.

Plans are being made for a series of Diabetes Self-management classes, and Diabetes Support Group will meet the third Thursday of each month at the Health Department. Chris Erwin is the founder and publisher of Kentucky Angling News an on-line magazine available at Chris can be reached by email

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1 Comment

  1. Tom Clay’s report on healthy living out of doors is the most unique program of promoting a healthy message in a fun way meant to entertain while talking about serious issues that face society daily. Congrats to the GCHD for knowing a great idea when they hear one

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