By Chris Erwin
The year 2013 is about to become history and I know that for many of you it can’t come too soon, while some of us wonder how it went so fast. So many things still not finished, while others will become fading memories as we forge ahead into this New Year.
This time of the year people usually make plans for new goals. Some want to lose weight, eat healthier foods, stop smoking, or dedicate more time to their faith. Whatever you have your heart set on as we embark on this journey in 2014, spending more time outside should make your goals more obtainable.
As always, my job will be to help you know what is going on in the outdoor world, fishing, hunting, hiking or birding is only the tip of the iceberg, as I hope to keep you informed as I investigate all things outdoors.
This past year, we have covered: fishing tournaments, how to articles, fishing trips, hunting stories, and published pictures of your trophies. It has been a pleasure to meet with many of you to hear your adventures into the outdoor world and to share it with our readers.
While we may be entering that time of the year when all things outside become slow and cold and cabin fever takes a grip on many of us, but this time is short in Kentucky. We are blessed with a climate where there is always a fish biting somewhere and hunting continues in one form or another until spring.
I also wanted to apologize to Chad Snider and Jason Bridwell winners of the Billy Westmoreland tournament on Dale Hollow Lake. Time restraints and the holiday season made it impossible for me to do justice to their story. I hope to fit it in as we start this New Year.
This column is dedicated to you and the things you do outside. I hope you will to continue to send me your stories, your pictures and the things you would like to see me cover. If you belong to a fishing, hunting or any kind of outdoor organization and you have news you would like to share with the public, send it to me and we will do our best to get it to a larger audience.
This coming year I plan to run a series on off the grid living. It will include things like what you need to know about solar powered homes, recycled water systems and all things off the grid. If you live in an off-grid home, I would like to hear from you. If you own a sawmill and you cut cabin kits, I would like to hear from you.
Off-grid living is becoming a very popular topic, and many people know I have an off-grid cabin. I have been asked many questions about it, how I did this or that. The truth is I am learning about these things myself. As I explore this subject, I plan to share with you some of the things I learn along the way. I invite anyone who has already been living off-grid to get in contact with me. I am interested in hearing from you so that we can share what we learn.
As the ball drops in Times Square this year, I wish you a Happy New Year and thanks for reading and helping me make this column worth your time.

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