I wanted to pass this along to you, even though I hope you’ve seen it. We are holding our Cave Run Kids Fishing Derby this Saturday, June 7th here at the Minor Clark Fish Hatchery. Registration begins at 6:00 am, and fishing runs from 7:00-11:00 am for kids 15 and under. We have stocked 3 ponds with Channel Catfish, Rainbow Trout and a few Largemouth Bass (maybe some sunfish mixed in there as well) for the kids to catch. For folks that have come in the past, we have added a third pond, to better accommodate the crowds we have been having. As has been the case for the last couple of years, we have the Kentucky Houndsman Association and the Northeastern Fish and Game Club cleaning fish and hosting our casting contest. Limited numbers of loaner fishing poles are available and we will have limited amounts of bait as well (both free). National Wild Turkey Federation is hosting a BB Gun shoot, and we will have hotdogs, chips and coke for the kids as well. The whole event is FREE and we will even be giving away several fishing poles to some lucky kids.
I have attached a copy of the flyer we have been using for the event, hopefully you can pass the word along to your many contacts for us and I appreciate it. You can reach me at the numbers below if you have any questions. Thank you so much!!
Tom Timmermann
Assistant District Biologist – Northeastern Fisheries District
Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources
120 Fish Hatchery Rd.
Morehead, KY 40351
Phone: 606-783-8650
Fax: 606-783-8652

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