Chris Erwin
Kentucky Angling News
If you read the title column title and wonder what one thing has to do with the other, hang in and read this article to the end.
Let me begin by telling you a little about Delicious Fruit Inc. They are an orchard located in South Shore, KY that spans over 2700 acres and produces over 50,000 bushels of apples a year and nearly the same in peaches in the middle of the summer.
The farm has been handed down four generations starting back in the early 1930s. The family planted many of the orchard trees that are still producing today in 1945, as WWII ended. Today’s owner is Doug Newell; however, he is surrounded by staff that helps in all orchard operations.
I ask Newell if he sold his fruit commercially or retail. Surprisingly, he said that most of his fruit was sold retail from both the farm and from the road-side stand they operate on Coal Branch.
My good friend Lloyd Baldrige called me and asked if I would be interested in visiting the orchard and taking a few pictures. Lloyd is the pastor of the Argillite Nazarene Church, and he had a use for a few photos of the orchard. I quickly agreed and felt it would be good exposure for a business that may not be well known.
What I noticed as I entered the sprawling farm was the deer stands everywhere I looked. So without even thinking, I asked about the deer stands. As it turns out, they book hunting trips on the farm; bow hunting, and gun hunting for both deer and turkey. I was referred to Wayne Sizemore as the man to talk to about hunting.
I was eager to hear about the hunting, and I can tell you it was more than I expected. Sizemore told me they are about 50 deer stands on the farm, and if you book a trip, you get the full Monty! What I mean, they have lodging, meals, and transportation to and from the deer stands.
Hunts are 1 to 5 days, starting at about a thousand dollars, going up depending on your stay what you are hunting; Deer or turkey. Gun hunts should be booked at least a month or more in advance. They have visitors from all over the county, and many trophy bucks are harvested each year.
It is a bowhunter’s dream. The landscape is mostly clear with fruit trees every twenty or thirty feet so getting a shot from one of the stands is easy. These guys keep track of the deer. They know where the best stands are and drive you right to them. Then, return to pick you up at the end of the day where you enjoy a home-cooked meal and lodging to the next day. If you get to deer they help in getting it ready for you to take it. A Kentucky hunting license is required along with all state regulations.
Over the 2700 acres of farmland, I’m told that some 200 deer are sometimes harvested, many in the trophy class. This orchard is a beautiful place with rolling hills and open views for some distances; as a hunter, it’s a lot different than most of the terrain we see on other farms in our area.
If you are interested in hunting at Delicious Fruit Farm, you can contact Doug Newell or Wayne Sizemore at 606-932-9283. The farm is located at 543 Winesap Drive South Shore just off the AA Highway. If you decided to book a trip and you are successful, let me know I would love to cover your hunt.
Soc & Sam Canoe and Kayak race – Results Oct.3rd -the winner was Greg & Corbin Peters from Beckley WV. with a time of 58 minutes. Another exciting thing is they had our first Paddle Board contestant, and he finished 3rd overall with a time of 1hour 11 minutes stroking the 6 1/4 mile race. Chris Erwin is the founder and publisher of Kentucky Angling News an online magazine available at www.kentuckyangling.com/magazine Chris can be reached by email Trimmer308@gmail.com

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